Benches: Wood Deck Bench Plan


Benches can be either free standing on the deck, or the bench can be attached to, or built into, the deck. Free standing benches are furniture, and not considered part of the deck. Attached benches are part of the deck.

Under no circumstances can any type of bench, even built in benches with a back, be used as a guard on any deck higher than 24 inches above grade. Be familiar with local building codes in your area to ensure bench placement passes building code standards.

A standard bench for a deck is 18” tall. Two 4x4 support legs with 2x6 framing and trim is common construction. Benches are built two or three boards wide on a 2X6 frame. Blocking between the front and back framing member should be installed every 16” the same as the decking. Bench support legs can be placed every four to six feet.

Trim on the bench is installed the same as the horizontal deck trim. Be sure to install the fasteners in the trim as often as the fasteners in the decking when installing maintenance free trim. Every 16” is most common.

Below is a plan for a wood bench.

Plan for a standard straight wooden deck bench.

Here is the finished wooden bench for your deck.

A finished wooden bench for a deck.