Privacy Screens: How to Build a Lattice Privacy Screen

This privacy screen is made with handmade square lattice with 1 1/2" spaces. It could also be made with lath or 1x2. Be sure the staples are facing the outside of the deck. If you use angled lattice it is installed in the same way. 1x2 is used to frame the lattice and can be routered in the outside edge to give a more finished professional look.

Lattice privacy screen plan.

Materials List

4x5 Handmade Lattice with 1 1/2 " Space
Posts 2 4x4x6'
Top 1 2x4x4'
Bottom 1 2x4x4'
Trim 4
1x2x4' (horizontal)
1x2x5' (vertical)
Lath 20
4' Lath (horizontal)
5' Lath (vertical)
Top Rail 1 5'

Note: If building more than one section, recalculate the number of posts and the length of the top rail.

4x6 Handmade Lattice with 1 1/2 " Space
Posts 2 4x4x8'
Top 1 2x4x4'
Bottom 1 2x4x4'
Trim 4
1x2x4' (horizontal)
1x2x6' (vertical)
Lath 23
4' Lath (horizontal)
6' Lath (vertical)
Top Rail 1 5'

Note: For heavy lattice change lath strips to cedar 1x2"