Deck designs

How to Build a Deck

Gazebos: How to Frame Your Gazebo Roof

Detailed steps with images detailing how to build a gazebo roof, including ripping corner posts, the gazebo foundation ring, single and two-tiered gazebo roofs, blocking gazebo rafters, fascia boards, and more.
How to Build a Deck

Gazebos: How to Build a Gazebo Foundation

Learn how to build solid foundation for your Gazebo with these easy to follow instructions. Learn how to build an octagon frame, install your top frame, and lay decking for your Gazebo floor.
How to Build a Deck

Custom Walkways and Bridges

Bridges and walkways are a great way to connect large deck sections but still allow for natural vegetation to grow. These tips and advice will help you build a bridge or walkway on your property.

Choosing Your Deck Plan

Deck plans - size, building materials, features such as railing lights, planters, and privacy screens all affect the design and price of your deck. A great plan will yield great results.