
How to Build a Deck

Gazebos: How to Frame Your Gazebo Roof

Detailed steps with images detailing how to build a gazebo roof, including ripping corner posts, the gazebo foundation ring, single and two-tiered gazebo roofs, blocking gazebo rafters, fascia boards, and more.
How to Build a Deck

Gazebos: How to Build a Gazebo Foundation

Learn how to build solid foundation for your Gazebo with these easy to follow instructions. Learn how to build an octagon frame, install your top frame, and lay decking for your Gazebo floor.
How to Build a Deck

Custom Walkways and Bridges

Bridges and walkways are a great way to connect large deck sections but still allow for natural vegetation to grow. These tips and advice will help you build a bridge or walkway on your property.
How to Build a Deck

Preparation: Deck Building Tools

List of essential tools, as well as specialty tools and fasteners to make building your deck easier. Follow this guide for the recommended tools to mark and layout your deck, determine location and dig footings, nd then build the deck structure. There are also some recommended upgrades and specialty tools as well.
How to Build a Deck

Preparation: Inspect Your Deck Building Lumber and Materials

The structural integrity, and finished look of your deck will only be as good as the quality of the materials used to build it. It's important to inspect and verify the quality of any products being used to build your deck. When shopping for lumber, or accepting a delivery, make sure the lumber is in good condition, not excessively warped, or split, and of the correct size and dimensions.
How to Build a Deck

Preparation: How to Check a Materials List, or Write Your Own

A materials list makes it easy to buy the right amount of materials for your deck project, and make sure you do not miss anything, saving you time. See what a materials list should include, and learn how to create your own materials list, based on your deck plan, for your deck build.

Choosing Your Deck Plan

Deck plans - size, building materials, features such as railing lights, planters, and privacy screens all affect the design and price of your deck. A great plan will yield great results.